Flutter Track Training

`Flutter in one month training plan

Week 1: Flutter Fundamentals

Day 1-2: Setup and Introduction

  • Installing Flutter SDK, IDE setup (VSCode/Android Studio).
  • Creating your first Flutter project.
  • Overview of Dart language basics (variables, functions, loops, classes).
  • Hands-on: Simple "Hello World" app.

Day 3-4: Basic Widgets

  • Core Flutter widgets (Text, Image, Button, Row, Column, Stack).
  • Layout basics and the use of Container, Padding, SizedBox, and Align.
  • Hands-on: Build a static UI screen using core widgets (like a profile page or product display).

Day 5: Input and Gesture Handling

  • TextInput (TextField), Buttons (RaisedButton, FlatButton), handling taps and gestures.
  • Hands-on: Build a basic form with input fields and buttons (e.g., login form or survey form).

Day 6-7: Introduction to Stateful Widgets

  • Difference between stateless and stateful widgets.
  • Managing state using setState.
  • Hands-on: Build a counter app (with buttons to increment/decrement values).

Week 2: Layouts, Navigation, and Lists

Day 1-2: Flutter Layouts Deep Dive

  • Advanced layouts using Flex, Expanded, and ListView.
  • Hands-on: Build a simple app with multiple screens using Column, Row, Expanded, and ListView.

Day 3-4: Navigation and Routing

  • Navigating between screens using Navigator.push and Navigator.pop.
  • Named routes and passing data between screens.
  • Hands-on: Build a simple navigation app (e.g., Home > Details screen).

Day 5: Lists and Grids

  • Displaying lists using ListView.builder and GridView.
  • Scrollable widgets, using the ListTile widget.
  • Hands-on: Build a product list page with a grid or list view.

Day 6-7: Simple State Management

  • Introduction to basic state management using InheritedWidget and Provider (without Bloc or complex solutions).
  • Managing global state across multiple widgets.
  • Hands-on: Build a to-do list app where tasks can be added and marked as done using Provider.

Week 3: Forms, Validation, and Animation

Day 1-2: Working with Forms

  • Handling forms in Flutter (Form, TextFormField).
  • Input validation and form submission.
  • Hands-on: Build a registration or login form with validation (email, password fields).

Day 3-4: Introduction to Animations

  • Implicit animations (AnimatedContainer, AnimatedOpacity).
  • Explicit animations using AnimationController and Tween.
  • Hands-on: Create simple animations (e.g., fade in/out, size transitions).

Day 5: Dialogs, Snackbars, and Bottom Sheets

  • Showing dialogs, bottom sheets, and snackbars.
  • Handling user interactions with these components.
  • Hands-on: Build a settings screen where a user can trigger dialogs and snackbars.

Day 6-7: Media and Assets

  • Working with images, icons, and other assets.
  • Adding and using local assets (images, fonts).
  • Hands-on: Build a gallery or photo viewer app.

Week 4: Project and Final Concepts

Day 1-2: Theme and Customization

  • Introduction to themes, color schemes, and global styles.
  • Applying light and dark themes.
  • Hands-on: Theme a basic app (e.g., changing color schemes and text styles).

Day 3-4: Introduction to Networking (Optional)

  • (Basic API calls only for practice, optional)
  • Fetching data from an API using http package.
  • Displaying fetched data in a list.
  • Hands-on: Build a news or weather app (if networking is needed).

Day 5-7: Final Project

  • Capstone project: Build a simple, functional app that combines everything learned (e.g., a basic shopping list, to-do app, or movie catalog).
  • Focus on UI, navigation, state management, and simple animations.