React One Month Training Plan

Week 1: React Fundamentals

Day 1-2: Setup and Introduction.

  • Installing Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), and Create React App.
  • Creating your first React project and running it locally.
  • Introduction to React components, JSX syntax, and basic structure.

Create a simple "Hello World" React app that displays a greeting.

Day 3-4: Basic React Components and JSX

  • Understanding React components (functional and class components).
  • Introduction to JSX (embedding JavaScript within HTML-like syntax).
  • How to render content dynamically using props.

Build a component that displays user information (name, age, etc.) passed as props.

Day 5: State and Event Handling

  • Introduction to useState for managing component state.
  • Handling user events like button clicks and form submissions.
  • Using input in simple programs.

Create a counter app with increment and decrement buttons using useState.

Day 6-7: Introduction to React's Functional Components.

  • Introduction to functional components and hooks.
  • Understanding the lifecycle of functional components with useEffect.

Build a simple todo list app where tasks can be added and deleted using functional components.

Week 2: Layouts, Routing, and Lists

Day 1-2: React Layouts and Styling

  • Understanding how to use div, section, header, and other layout elements in React.
  • Using inline styles, CSS modules, and styled-components for styling.

Create a simple homepage layout with a navigation bar and content area.

Day 3-4: React Router

  • Introduction to React Router for client-side navigation.
  • Setting up routes, and components for navigation.

Build a multi-page app with a homepage, about page, and contact page using React Router.

Day 5: Lists and Dynamic Rendering

  • Rendering lists using map() and dynamic content with React.
  • Using keys in lists for performance optimization.

Create a product catalog page where products are displayed in a list or grid layout.

Day 6-7: State Management (useContext & useReducer)

  • Introduction to React's Context API and useContext for managing global state.
  • Using useReducer as an alternative for more complex state management.

Build a simple shopping cart app using useContext to manage the cart state across components.

Week 3: Forms, Validation, and Animations

Day 1-2: Working with Forms

  • Handling user input with input, textarea, select, and form components in React.
  • Managing form data with useState and controlled components.
  • Form validation and submission handling.

Create a login or registration form with field validation (e.g., email, password).

Day 3-4: Animations and Transitions

  • Introduction to animations in React with libraries like react-spring or framer-motion.
  • Animating components on mount, unmount, and interactions.

Create a fade-in animation for a component when it’s first rendered or clicked.

Day 5: Modals, Alerts, and Notifications

  • Building custom modal components in React.
  • Showing alert messages and notifications (using libraries like react-toastify).

Build a settings page with a modal dialog for user preferences.

Day 6-7: Working with Media and Assets

  • Handling images, fonts, and other assets in React.
  • Importing and using static assets in your React app (e.g., local images or icons).

Build a gallery or image viewer app with images loaded from static assets.

Week 4: Project and Final Concepts

Day 1-2: Customizing Themes and Global Styles

  • Introduction to theming in React (light and dark themes).
  • Managing global styles and themes using styled-components or CSS variables.

Apply custom themes to an existing app (e.g., toggle between light and dark mode).

Day 3-4: Fetching Data (Optional)

  • Making API requests with fetch or axios to get data from external APIs.
  • Handling API responses and displaying data in a list.

Build a weather app that fetches data from a public API (optional if networking is required).

Day 5-7: Final Project

  • Capstone project:
    Create a fully functional React app that combines everything you've learned.
  • Example apps:
    a movie catalog, task manager, or shopping list.
  • Focus on components, routing, state management, and basic animations.
  • Implement features like forms, API calls (if applicable), and dynamic content.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this month, you will be able to:

  • Build responsive, dynamic web apps using React.
  • Manage application state with hooks like use State and use Context.
  • Handle routing and navigation in React apps with React Router.
  • Build interactive forms, animations, and manage media assets.
  • Deploy a React app to production and create a fully functional app from scratch.